Paul Collins está considerado como uno de los pioneros del género power-pop, tocando en bandas como Nerves, The Breakaways y The Beat a finales de los '70 y principios de los '80.

Cinco años de trabajo, infinidad de conciertos, cuatro discos y una carrera trabajada día a día, con seriedad, esfuerzo, constancia y sobre todo con MUY BUENAS CANCIONES.

La impaciencia de Sushi y Wasabi y el interés de Flor y Nata Records por descubrir esta maravilla, dan como resultado este avance en formato digital...

Con la que esta cayendo uno busca una válvula de escape como un camión de grande en la música, y de repente y sin esperarlo te encuentras trabajos como el de Mister Hyde...

We can introduce the band as a "classic" four based piece band which defined themselves as an energetic and charming band. With rich influences like Radiohead, Coldplay or Elbow...

El pasado 28 de marzo se estrenó el segundo adelanto del disco de Amor de Tokyo. Amor de Tokyo nos está presentando una a una las canciones que compondrán su primer LP, y en ésta ocasión viene acompañado de un precioso videoclip...

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viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012


A few weeks ago, a brand new emergent band from Brighton contacted us and sent us their music. We thought that this was a perfect oportunity to write our first post in english and, here you are: "The New Union" at "The Open Ears Club".

We can introduce the band as a "classic" four based piece band which defined themselves as an energetic and charming band. With rich influences like Radiohead, Coldplay or Elbow, we are in front of a young band that aim to be aesthetically clean and aurally adventurous. Their lyrics are refreshingly simple, honest and instinctive.

What James (guitar), Richard (lead vocals, guitar, keyboard), Alex (bass, keyboard) and Leo (drums) offer is intrinsic melody with guts. Their sound is adaptable, ranging from the easy listening to the extravagant. 

We're sure that in the near future we'll have the oportunity to listen to this fresh and emergent band in Spain, and when it happen we'll keep you informed about all their steps.

To say "till next time" to "The New Union", here you can watch their video for "It's you", a song which envolve you in a melancholic atmosphere since the very beginning till an elegant final with hymn chords, ready to be played live!

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